
Archive for December, 2007


I am an avid dog-lover.

Having 2 Great Danes I am a HUGE “dog fan”–both my Fur Kids Elijah and Mercy will attest!

So when I hear the word CHAIN I cringe!

My neighbors have a sweet doggie mix breed they keep on a chain and every time I see the poor fellow I moan a silent “awwwwww”…my heart breaks for him.  Moving to a limit before being jerked back to his tree where his chain is anchored. 

CHAINS: something that binds or restrains.  According to the American Psychological Association (APA): chains, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/chain

a. shackles or fetters: to place a prisoner in chains.
b. bondage; servitude: to live one’s life in chains.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “CHAIN”?

For me, besides my neighbor’s dog, I think of the apostle Paul and how he continued to preach the Gospel message while in chains: a real live jail bird for Jesus!

I then ponder what are the CHAINS in my life that keep me from being an ambassador for God?…

Psychologically:  FEAR, rejection, addictions, anxiety and a potpourri of emotional injuries.

Physically:  WEAKNESS, laziness, lack of vim and vigor to share the Good News.

I was redirected to the thoughts about CHAINS when I sent out a prayer request to a friend, asking her to pray for me during an upcoming speaking engagement. 

She obliged saying “I will pray Ephesians 6:19 for you”.  Her email beckoned me to the verse: Paul penned; “Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,”

(I couldn’t stop there…)

As I read on Ephesians 6:20  “for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.”

Now Paul was literally in CHAINS in prison but that did not hold back his passion for the Lord or for sharing the salvation message.   He was FEARLESS and spiritually chain-free.  Paul was in this manner bound to a Roman soldier (Acts 28:20; Eph. 6:20; 2 Tim. 1:16). The chains held his body but nothing could hold his heart!

Can you imagine being “bound” to another person?  (Not a great day to forget personal hygiene)

Heck, as Americans freedom rings in the most practical sense but CHAINS are present.  Whether it be literal or self imposed shackles and fetters haunt life. Busting out of them is the admonition.

The Bible confirms…EVERYONE has the same opportunity….. “Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and Gentiles alike.”  Ephesians 6:19 (NLT)

Best-selling author and popular Bible teacher Beth Moore shares a Bible study called Breaking Free: “Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life.  Moore teaches readers to remove obstacles that hinder freedom by identifying spiritual strongholds in their lives and overcoming them through the truth of God’s Word—truth that will set us free.”

My neighbor’s dog will never have the option or resources to break from his chains.

We have a genuine freedom sometimes forgotten….

Belief in God’s Word. 

Trusting His promises.

Living in His truth. 

Boldly sharing the Message of Jesus Christ.

That is true freedom from any chains holding spiritual prisoners.

SEEK out and speak OUT or remain chained.  If your spirit is free, you are free!

Your thoughts are welcomed….


Jesus is the REASON for the SEASON!
“TRUST steadily in God, HOPE unswervingly, LOVE extravagantly.”
1 Corinthians 13:13 (The Message)


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